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Standby problem

by Guest on 2014/06/01 08:50:46 PM    
In my tixati torrent client normally 7 torrents remain active.
I wanna active/seed all of my torrent.How can it possible? If i wanna
upload more torrent ...... how can it possibe to active all my torrents.
by Bugmagnet on 2014/06/03 06:18:54 AM    
Settings/General/Queuing set Upload slots to as many as you want. the limit is 200.

If you want to seed more than that, set the Download slots also to 200, then mark the box:
Recycle unused download slots for uploads

That'll allow you to upload up to 400 torrents.

To increase that, go to Tixati/Transfers and select all those torrents (or as many as you want), then right click for menu, select  then mark  Constant Seeding

That will open up designated slots for all those selected torrents and clear them from the normal slots, freeing those up for 400 more seeds...

Using these methods, I am seeding > 600 torrents and have 0 in queue. That is what I offer.. but in practice only about 50-100 torrents are actually making connections for uploading at any given time. For some there is no current demand (0 peers) but when someone comes looking for an obscure torrent I may be seeding, they'll get it asap.

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