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Feature Request: IP Filter Exception (Bypassing IP Filters Per T

by Guest on 2023/05/12 08:51:08 PM    
Tixati has a good IP filtering feature that works properly (as far as I can tell.)

My only struggle with it is that I have to manually enable or disable IP filters depending what I download & seed at that moment.

I think users should be able to make a transfer bypass IP filters they've set.

How can this be implemented?

Either this way...

Right click on a transfer.

Bypass IP filter
   [ ] All
   [ ] Filter1
   [ ] Filter2
   [ ] Filter3

...or this way...

Right click on a transfer.
Select properties.
Select IP filter

Bypass IP filter
   [ ] All
   [ ] Filter1
   [ ] Filter2
   [ ] Filter3

...or both (why not?)
by notaLamer on 2023/05/13 12:15:03 AM    
This is technically impossible. Workaround: use multiple Tixati instances (see v3.12 release notes) or a different client.

The explanation. Tixati's IP Filter works for Incoming & Outgoing connections, for peer connections, trackers, DHT and RSS. Theoretically it would be possible to bypass the filter for outgoing connections of any type. However when someone connects to you, you cannot know what torrent this IP wants. You can't know beforehand that is. And to find out means to talk to that IP - defeats the purpose of the IP filter to begin with. That's why it must be handled by a separate client running on a different port.

Finally in my opinion, if your filter lists are this restrictive then you are doing something wrong or are using them for the wrong purpose (the false sense of safety that's based on luck, because sooner or later it will fail and you will be asked to $_$). This is true for peers you are exempting too. They should not be connecting from the country they are in.

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