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Issue creating/downloading pieces. v3.17+

by notaLamer on 2023/05/12 12:24:14 AM    
Issue: On Tixati v3.17 and v3.18 I have had issues with creating new pieces.
Software: OpenVPN (TCP)

Internet: 1 Gbps down (20 MB/s through the VPN)
Ethernet nic: Marvell AQtion 10G
Switch: QNAP QSW-2104-2t
Incomplete pieces drive: Optane 905p 960gb
Torrent folder: WD ultrastar DC HC570, 22 TB

When testing between 3.16 and 3.18, the download of incomplete pieces created with 3.16 will download and complete as normal. However new pieces will not be created. Downgrading to 3.16 will fix this issue, 3.16 works fine.

(3.18) I checked my pending torrents and they have about 3-5 pieces still in progress waiting for seeders between about 30 torrents.

However the pieces monitoring tool shows a steady 11k piece count and 2.5gb piece bytes that went down as tixati downloaded to already created pieces made when i downgraded to 3.16.

Pieces pending save count stays at 5 never changing and pieces pending save bytes is about 10m not changing
Doubling all of the piece limiter settings in 3.18 did not help.

On 3.18 peers will connect as normal. Sometimes network nic will crash when downloading (only happened on 3.18 so far, but I will update later if it happens on 3.16 too). Uploads function normally.
by Guest on 2023/05/15 08:49:12 PM    
I can confirm this issue since v3.17, I noticed too. Downloads are not always completed. My fix is so far re-checking the transfers and let Tixati re-download the missing 1-3 pieces.

I never turned on the "redundant hash check on completion" setting, but it might make sense for the v3.17 and v3.18 versions.

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