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v3.18 KDE: Close button misplaced in settings window

by notaLamer on 2023/05/09 12:15:00 AM    
Linux, KDE 5 Plasma 5.27, Tixati 3.18. Need more details?

The window action buttons (minimize, close) are not aligned to the right side at the top. There's a small gap that goes away when the window is resized.

1. Open Tixati Settings
2. Notice there's a gap as wide as a single icon (like somethings missing)
3. Suppose you are in the "Fonts" category. You need to open something that's wider than Fonts to force a full window update
4. Open "Connections" settings
5. Window was redrawn and the "minimize and close" buttons are now in their correct position

Screenshot: https://0x0.st/HZgh.png
by notaLamer on 2023/05/09 12:31:18 AM    
Update: same with Piece Creation Limiter window but it cannot be resized in any way. Minimizing doesn't fix this.
by notaLamer on 2024/06/23 04:49:10 PM    
v3.25 the close button still offset to the left by default. Just updating as its a stylistic issue only

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