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tixati crashing
on 2013/08/17 02:54:14 PM
sometimes tixati just doesnt respond at all i cant click on the icon in my taskbar i cant shut it down not even in task manager i need to reboot my pc to fix it.
are there any fixes for this problem?
im using windows 8 maybe thats the problem i never had this on windows 7
on 2013/08/30 08:32:29 PM
Same here. Tixati keeps freezing all the time since 1.96. It's impossible to shut it down or to kill the process. The only solution seems to restart. I never had that problem before ...
on 2013/09/08 10:32:43 PM
Constant freezing, every minute. only had this with 1.96. I use windows 8 tixati has worked well for over a year. It happens whether there is 1 Torrent or a few. CPU is low. Every other program is working well
on 2013/09/17 04:18:11 PM
I am having crash problems with 1.96( win7 ult 64/8 core+64gb ram)also ... this is more than annoying ... I dont have problems when dl files from chrome/ff etc
Very strangely there were crashes about every 30 min last night, so I reinstalled from a fresh download and it worked all night (11,225,000 k out of 11,407,000 k) without a problem. Now crashes about 15 minutes after I open the display to check progress. With restart it gets to about 25-28% verifying (consistently)and then crashes. It is also trying to dl as it verifies, so it adds about 2500k each time.
I have sent in about 8 crash reports, but dont bother anymore.
Also, all the tab panels for peers, files, etc etc are blank after the reinstall and remain so for every restart.
I have an older version (1.93or4 I think) installed on XPsp3 32bit old laptop, that very rarely crashes: I would try to finish the dl there, but would like to know if that is feasible. That laptop is single core and half gig ram.
Input is greatly appreciated.
on 2013/09/17 07:15:06 PM
OK ... FWIW ... I am not able to edit my post (directly above - perhaps mods might append later?)
I decided to see which of the 11 rar parts might not be all there .. unrar ALL without a problem reported, then un rar the individual parts without a problem. Ran a CRC check and all 7800+ files checked out.
Still remains .. why tixati crash? Why no display in the tabs of progress etc?
on 2013/10/08 10:18:48 PM
my tixati 1.96 running on debian/testing crashing when choose "copy link" from right-click menu in free space in the left field of the channels list
on 2013/10/09 08:46:05 AM
Windows 8 here, getting the same thing since the update.
Tixati just seems to hang and when I try to kill the process I get an "Access Denied" error.
If there's any more meaningful information I can provide, or logs, then please let me know.
on 2013/10/29 04:51:27 PM
Exact same thing, been using it all year with no problem (not sure if I updated or not), and now after I open it and start checking the file around 10%-20% it crashes. The only way to kill the process is by restarting windows, it is a pain!
Windows 8 64x
Tixati v1.96
Tried command Taskkill /F always returns "Access Denied".
on 2013/11/03 10:52:40 PM
Just to help not sure if this is the reason but on my laptop which is running an i5 its freezes up every few seconds including spikes to the CPU, however on my desktop running an amd Phenom II 940 BE its runs perfectly fine.
Is this an intel problem?
on 2013/11/10 02:01:42 PM
I have the same problem, after just installing the latest version (brand new install, 64 bit version) last night. It's not an Intel problem - I'm running Windows 8 64 bit on a machine with an AMD CPU (A10-5700). As far as I can tell, I can't run this version of Tixati at all. After initial install and setup and starting some torrents, it hangs immediately after opening and the only way to kill the process is to reboot. Are the devs going to respond to these issues? I'd like to use Tixati if this gets fixed...
on 2013/11/18 07:24:37 PM
Just a thought. Has anyone checked that all your disc drives are working and on-line? The freeze problem can occur when Tixati is trying to read from the save folder on a drive that is not responding. So check those BIOS messages and check whether you can explore that folder from windows/OS etc.
Regards Rick
on 2013/11/19 07:04:06 AM
We tried to get some attention or discussion about stability and handle leaks several months ago. My suggestion is to move back to an earlier version. I have used 1.91 Win x64 without problems.
on 2013/11/20 01:30:54 PM
Solved my problem downgrading to 1.95
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