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Feature request: current download speed in title bar

by Guest on 2014/05/29 02:48:17 AM    
Hi, I'd love if Tixati showed current download speed in title bar, so I can have it minimized and still keep an eye on what't going on, for example:

523kb/s : Tixati v.1.92

Whatcha think?

PS Thanks for great app, you're the best.
by koesherbacon on 2014/06/04 09:11:10 AM    
I would like to 2nd this feature
by Guest on 2014/06/04 10:59:37 PM    
Another thumbs up for that request.

it would be sufficient enough to show (in that order with a separator)
1.) the Tixati icon
2.) DL speed
3.) UL speed

So it would look like:

T | D 529 kbs | U 123 kbs
T - D 529 kbs - U 123 kbs
by Zooky on 2014/06/05 02:29:03 AM    
I agree - HOWEVER, as long as the patient is open, how's about the ability to watch any # of u/l's in process?  e.g. - for various reasons, I'd like to keep an eye on 3, 4, or more, the progress of x number of torrents in action.

OK - I realize that's unrealistic, but how's about just 1-3?
by Sailor24 on 2014/06/07 05:31:52 AM    
Google netmeter 1.1.4 beta. Not sure if it is still supported but it will give you what you want. Mine still works on W7 even if it is not supported.
by Bugmagnet on 2014/06/10 01:02:26 AM    
try abpmon and or taskinfo from iarsn

Abpmon provides a user-selectable choice of enviromental graphs so you can keep an eye on CPUsage, RAM, Swap, as well as TCP I/O which is what your after. and it is far better than mere numbers. the Graphs provide a record over time which can be very useful.  This is how I noticed the handles leak when joined to tixati channels. I could see the gradual rampup of handles in use as well as alerts being triggered at preset trip points.

ABPmon is very simple. It function was stripped out of taskinfo, a much more powerful utility which provides far more detailed information related to your system performance and security.

Both are now free for personal, non-commercial use.
by Guest on 2025/02/03 06:19:06 PM    
I know the OP is over a decade old but I don't see the feature implemented, if it isn't too much to add I would like to "3rd" this request in addition to seeing bandwidth usage when hovering over the system tray icon.

by Guest on 2025/02/03 11:45:22 PM    
seeing bandwidth usage when hovering over the system tray icon.

You can see your downloading/seeding numbers and your incoming/outgoing bandwidth when you hover over the tray icon.
by Guest on 2025/02/08 12:49:32 PM    
You can see your downloading/seeding numbers and your incoming/outgoing bandwidth when you hover over the tray icon.

Thanks for your reply. It seems this is simply not working for me using tixati-3.32-1.x86_64.rpm with Fedora Linux KDE, I only see "Tixati" when hovering over the tray icon so a bug rather than a missing feature.
by notaLamer on 2025/02/11 01:13:06 PM    
Yes. KDE doesn't have any tray icon tooltip info...
by Guest on 2025/03/03 03:16:25 PM    
"Hi, I'd love if Tixati showed current download speed in title bar, so I can have it minimized and still keep an eye on what't going on, for example:
523kb/s : Tixati v.1.92"
+1  This will be great!

"KDE doesn't have any tray icon tooltip info... "
Confirm: tooltip on Debian KDE dosn't work. :-/

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