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Tixati on Linux: Pango-Warning about invalid UTF-8

by notaLamer on 2023/04/07 04:08:47 PM    
(tixati_Linux64bit:18426): Pango-WARNING **: 09:09:09.406: Invalid UTF-8 string passed to pango_layout_set_text()

This happens when I select the "Channal List" in the Channels list. The channel info contains a lot of channels and Unicode characters. Link: dsc:fn53reyus4ancvozwhfpsjnoakwtntuxkgh3u6xre7b3meq7uihq?dn=Channal%20List

Version 3.16. I will test when I download 3.17 and update here.
pango-list --version
pango-list (pango) 1.50.14

by notaLamer on 2023/04/07 04:30:15 PM    
Confirmed on Tixati v3.17
by janet on 2023/04/08 07:31:56 AM    
Thanks for reporting this. That warning is harmless, but the developer is probably going to fix it with the update to gtk3.
by notaLamer on 2023/05/09 12:03:28 PM    
Yes I understand this is a harmless warning. Still happening in v3.18. I won't bother you beyond this message. I'm not sure it's worth filtering out the text when in 99.9% of cases it's correct and doesn't cause catastrophic errors anyway.

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