Ok... I been thinking this through and think some additional refinement of process might be useful.
It seems that this idea of a dynamic automatic BW adjustment has been thought of and about my several people.
In addition to
http://forum.tixati.com/support/470/?p=1#2096 , there were others also:
I started to rethink it when I noticed the aggressive difference when a selected torrent was set to "Ultra High"
It seems much of the concern is over idle UPload BandWidth, with the idea of simply opening an extra slot or 2 until the UL BW limit is reached.
I have opened up over 700 slots so that is not an issue with me. I never have any idle UL BW. The BW graph is always flatlined at the limit I set. The concern for me is, I like to give some preference to select files. They get higher priority. If there is less demand for these, then the BW is allocated to other files.
In addition to factoring in my personal priority preference as to torrent topic (using the existing BW Priority settings), I have another preference for allotting more BW to torrents with few if any other seeds, as I tried to explain in the original post here.
Pete has indicated that factoring in # or peers and the Seed:Peer ratio are ineffective. I don't see any other means to allocate BW by need. The fact that the reported numbers of seeds and peers might not be precisely accurate or indicate the U/D capacity of those connections doesn't mean they can't be useful factors in allocating BW. Might not be 100 perfect but better than nothing.
I am questioning the relevance of any tracker reported counts anyway. Over the last few hours I started scanning my active connections and found that less then 10% came from trackers. Most of the connections came from PEX and "Incoming" (though I am not clear what that means exactly).
I came up with a temporary, impractical workaround to achieve some semblance of a solution to this BW sharing dilemma.
I sacrificed the use of the "Category" field as a topical grouping and instead use it for manually dividing torrents according to number of seeds and peers. This process is far to tedious without having sortable columns for seeds and peers broken out from the Transfers/Status column, but I did it to test the concept. Don't try that at home. It'll drive you bonkers.
I created 16 categories labeled with a 2-digit number. The first digit was 0 for 0 seeds, 1 for 1-3 seeds, 5 for 4-8 seeds and 9 for >8 seeds. the second numbers were the same for the number of peers. Think of doing that manually for 700 active torrents and you'll know how crazy I am. Then realize that the number will have changed the next day and the categories will need to be readjusted again. As I said, having to do this manually it totally impractical. So the torrents in category 15 have 1-3 seeds and 4-8 peers (in theory). Once so grouped, I can select all in that category and apply my BW Priority of choice. The problem is keeping them in the right category corral. That varies too much to be maintained manually.
But it works....to a degree. The more I worked with this, it became evident that the existing BW priority algorithm might need to be reviewed and refined. But that is another matter.
Bottom line, using idle BW to trigger more slots is not useful when BW is constantly maxed out.
The problem is allocating who gets what.
The existing BW priority does address a users sharing preferences, but it does not factor in directing resources to where they are needed the most. For me that calls for focusing on those torrents where there are few if any other seeds and of those, focusing on which have the most peers, iow a low Seed:Peer ratio. Sure, another seed might have a huge BW pipe and skew the results, but if so, then within a short time there will be more seeds and less peers on that torrent.
In addition to creating a dynamic BW allocation algorithm factoring in the number of seeds, the Seed:Peer ratio and the BW Priority, perhaps the UL:DL ratio could be used also to select a different set of values for this, an option that may be useful or deemed desirable, where after a preset ratio has been reached, the BW priority would be reduced somewhat. This of course provides a very viable alternative to simply stop sharing a torrent at some point in time or by ratio.