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How can I restore original "Seeding" category?

by Guest on 2014/05/25 08:34:38 AM    
Originally, one of the built in categories was "Seeding". Whenever something was seeding, it automatically showed up in the "Seeding" category. Somehow, my "Seeding" category is now gone, and while I can create a new category named "Seeding", seeds aren't automatically added to the new category when a seeding is started. I sure would appreciate some help with restoring the original "Seeding" category behavior.
by Guest on 2015/11/17 01:24:13 PM    
So its been a while since OP but here is how to do it in case someone needs to know.

Create a new category - name it seeding - change the type to status - change the status to seeding in the dropdown

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