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[REQ] Ability inject "Individual tracker options" from CLI

by kostet on 2022/11/06 12:02:51 PM    
Feature Request: Ability inject "Individual tracker options" by Tixati startup parameters or text cfg-file.

A static peer-id is very suspicious and can draw the attention of the staff to expose spoofing.
Make peer-id variable (via an external script during Tixati startup or even on a schedule) is a good solution.
This is a very highly specialized need. Introducing yourself as another client, you need to take into account the fact that each of them generates a random ID in its own way, uses different characters and alternating letters and numbers. So it's only for those who know what they're doing. Inept use of this option leads to user compromise.
Then you can completely remove the ability to spoof peer-id from the GUI, leaving it available from the command line for advanced users. (In the hope that it will change Tixati's reputation in the private tracker's community).

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