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Flexible incoming (download) limit policy

by Guest on 2022/10/03 06:12:22 PM    
Although this may no longer represent the majority of users, some of us may not have fast internet nor have unlimited download limits.
In my specific case, I have a quota between 2PM and 2AM every day, no limits otherwise.
I know it is possible to set manually a hard incoming limit in settings. But what I'd be looking for though, is a more advanced setting that allows to configure the limit so that the limit changes "automatically" based on time of day. For example, I'd set:
 2PM->2AM: 50Kb/s
 2AM->2PM: no limit
Does that feature exist?
Whether you have high speed or not, there may be other reasons why one would want this, especially when a connection is shared by many for example...
by Guest on 2022/10/03 07:13:25 PM    
check out the scheduler.

you can set your bandwidth automatically for different times of the day, and more.

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