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Pre-3.11 hybrid torrent's padding files not hidden after 3.11

by notaLamer on 2022/10/01 02:54:05 PM    
When I used an older Tixati version, I added a torrent that was created by a qBittorrent user. Looks like what I got was the hybrid torrent (V1) of their torrent (V1+V2).

Now I see the _pad folder still remains, 800MB in size (total torrent size is 54 GiB).
Shouldn't Tixati recognize this and retroactively hide and delete this files? (although the torrent remains a v1 of the hybrid)

Due to low adoption of V2 in clients and some individuals who still use uTorrent v2 if not 1.8, I expect this situation will become more common as the initially hybrid (V1+V2) torrents degrade to V1-only after a couple rounds of sharing between people.
by Guest on 2023/02/05 02:02:38 PM    
It strips the pad files out upon loading only.  If there's leftovers transfers from the old version, those pad files have already been treated as regular files by the old client, including the size totals, padding, pieces, etc.

It's a much more complicated matter to retroactively strip off padding, as opposed to doing it upon loading of the meta-info and initially parsing the files and such.  Even some of the file attribute flags from the .torrent file might not be available if the previous versions didn't bother to store them and ignored the v2 data.
by CivilPDX on 2023/02/05 11:36:34 PM    
You can remove, delete any padding files on-disk. add in the torrent again, and force recheck. not perfect but it works.
by notaLamer on 2023/02/06 06:55:53 PM    
Thank you for the replies. I forgot about this thread. I did the following to correctly reload the torrent:

1. Remember the category/the destination folder
2. Save as .torrent file
3. Remove from Transfers
4. Double-click the .torrent to open
5. Specify the same parent/file folder
6. "Local files already exist" -> Continue
7. Let Tixati scan and verify the files. The _pad folder is correctly no longer showing up in Tixati.
8. Open the destination folder and delete _pad manually (can be done at any step after removing from Tixati). Done

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