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Minor change in Channel Directive "sr" setting options

by Bugmagnet on 2022/09/16 04:19:52 PM   provides for:

Set the share broadcast rate (seconds/broadcast for normal,trusted,vip,star,mod+):


v3.11 seems to be restricted to only 4 values: normal, trusted, vip, star

Is the value for mod+ users now fixed?  at what rate?
by Bugmagnet on 2022/09/16 05:28:41 PM    
While we are on this Channel Directives page/topic

 Designate header data that is sent with each update message:

(important header lines)
(other lines)

What are the "important header lines" that need to be sent?

How does this effect BW?
by notaLamer on 2022/09/17 08:57:32 PM    
v3.11 seems to be restricted to only 4 values: normal, trusted, vip, star
How do you know? I added these parameters with &ir=123 to my channel long before v3.11 and it's still there.
by Bugmagnet on 2023/10/07 07:20:38 PM    
notaLamer...adding another parameter like for ir= is not the issue.

The help page as listed in the OP to this thread says:

Set the share broadcast rate (seconds/broadcast for normal,trusted,vip,star,mod+):

But when I add the default directive, it adds only 4 values, not 5 for both sr= and mr=


That was noticed with v3.11 on OP and it remains the case on v3.19

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