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A way to manually force file location and name

by Guest on 2022/03/19 04:39:08 PM    
I have a plex server and I need to rename and organize the files after downloading for plex to gather the correct metadata. However, I would like to still seed the files. Is there a way to tell Tixati, this is the file and this is the new name.

Right now I have to manually rename each file in Tixati. I hope for a way to just open up a file browser and say ok this is the file, Tixati would grab the new location and file name do a force check and seed.

Thanks to anyone who can help me. Some torrents have dozens of files if I am downloading an anime for example and it is hard to reseed for everyone else.
by notaLamer on 2022/03/20 02:01:55 PM    
It is technically possible to monitor file renames but not the moving of files to external directories with inotify(7) - that's a Linux system API that notifies of file changes. However it's challenging and has many limitations especially if you have to consider cross-platform support aka Windows, because the goal is to monitor ALL directories Tixati is responsible for.
Have you tried using the web interface instead of Tixati's GUI? Maybe that's something you can settle with
by Guest on 2022/03/21 03:21:12 AM    
I have but there isn't an option to force Tixati to accept a file that's been renamed. I'm on windows so the API wouldn't work. I'm just surprised that it isn't an option, since it wouldn't be hard to allow the user to do that. I figured I just didn't know how to do it.

My current flow is to use Filebot to rename all the files to a name that Plex will recognize and then organize it, and move it to my Plex directory. Then I have to go into Tixati and rename the file there one by one and tell Tixati the correct directory. Setting the location isn't too hard since I can just select multiple files. The renaming part takes a long time.
by Guest on 2022/03/22 01:02:32 AM    
Ask Filebot to add a feature where it creates a symlink / hardlink in an entirely different directory instead of renaming. Issue instantly solved and torrent files are never touched/renamed themselves, can be seeded without issues.
A hard link is better but requires you to stay on the same hard drive's partition, with a hard link the file stays on HDD as long as there's the original OR a hard link pointing to it. With a symlink it's just like a shortcut: if it points to a file you deleted, Plex will be left wondering why the file doesn't exist anymore after it followed to link's location.
Neither of links take up any data, it's always stored as a single copy.

Yet simpler terms:
hardlink is like two doors to the same room
symlink is like a "see File" in a dictionary book
by Guest on 2022/03/23 06:40:14 AM    
That wouldn't work for how my plex is setup, I have an Anime scanner that requires a lot of files to be in folders with the correct naming and anidb tag number for the lookup to work correctly since a lot of animes have similar names and the way their season's work isn't in a conventional way. Also, Plex would look at the final file, perform metadata lookup with that file name which wouldn't work.

And I don't see the point of organizing a bunch of links instead of the actual files since that just adds a whole layer of pointless complexity.

I want to rename the files and move them and Tixati has all of the pieces in place for the user to just point at the file. Right now I can move and rename them it's just a tedious process on Tixati's side to rename each file instead of being able to select it in a file and say ok this is the correct file use this.

Hope the devs can just add an option to select a file instead of ending at just the folder.

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