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Tixati has overwritten my established downloads, My disappointme

by hosa on 2022/03/11 09:21:20 PM    
Its a bit of a long story so please bear with me.. I'm going to start from the beginning..

So I'm a Qbittorrent user ngl, I had a torrent running and I had to move the half-way downloaded files from its partition to another one..
"Im just going to change the incomplete downloads directory in Qbittorrent to the new one then force recheck and everything will be okay" I told myself..
So then when I did just that and Qbittorrent  got stuck with a notification status: " checking resume data" for HOURS... "no biggie" I told myself...
So LOGICALLY, I opened Tixati and set the "incomplete piece storage location"  to the new directory where the  half-way downloaded files are..
input the .torrent file and clicked "force check"..
Thinking ofcourse that it will recognize the files and will complete them..

THEY ALL got overwritten by new empty shell files...

>:(                   >:(                     >:(

Can you really blame me?
And I don't blame myself..

And I blame the developer..            

....-''``'._ __________)
            ,_  '-.___)
by TX007 on 2022/03/13 06:54:05 AM    
After switching to Tixati (for 2nd time) few weeks ago, i have added to it about 100 torrents downloaded by uTorrent, including incomplete downloads. Nothing got overwritten. The program just checks the files, then either starts seeding or resumes the download.
Another thing, in Tixati the default download location is the one used to store incomplete downloads, unless you specify another directory. Incomplete pieces folder is for incomplete torrent pieces only.
by hosa on 2022/03/15 02:16:51 AM    
I cannot explain why this has happened..
Neither can I explain why Qbittorrent refused to resume my incomplete downloads after the move....
its confusing..
Maybe a program has interfered with my files, but I do not have an antivirus running..
something is changing my files so as to not get recognized by the client,so I believe..
by TX007 on 2022/03/15 09:32:39 AM    
No antivirus running + your downloads got replaced by some strange empty files. I guess your computer got infected with malware, and maybe your downloads are simply hidden by it, or they might be encrypted now if you are dealing with a ransomware. Assuming you are using Windows, follow these steps to show hidden files:
The most important is to scan your computer with a good antivirus as soon as possible.
by hosa on 2022/03/15 02:19:50 PM    
I moved the incomplete downloads to Tixat's incomplete downloads directory..
Maybe I should have moved them to an ordinary location and set its location in Tixati,and let Tixati manage the incomplete downloads automatically?
I am going to try this next time...
by hosa on 2022/03/15 02:27:00 PM    
@TX007 Are you implying that the terms "incomplete downloads" and "incomplete pieces" are two different things?

This sure got me confused ,, I guess this is where I went wrong?
by TX007 on 2022/03/16 07:07:36 AM    
See my previous comment (It wasn't visible when you added your last comments)

When you download a video (for example) using a torrent, this video (in the point of view of torrent clients) is sliced up in pieces. Each piece has a hash that must be verified, but that can only happen when the piece is fully downloaded. This is why there is a need for incomplete pieces folder.

Incomplete downloads folder isn't necessary. Tixati by default will put both your incomplete and complete downloads in the same directory: Default Download Location. If you need to separate them, you have to choose one directory for incomplete ones: Default Download Location, and another folder for complete downloads: Upon completion, move to this location

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