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[Bug] Text message limit for Unicode characters inaccurate

by notaLamer on 2022/02/16 07:55:44 PM    
Tixati 2.88, Windows 7 x64

The private messages are limited in length. When entering ASCII-only text for example in English, you'll be unable to enter any characters at some point if your message becomes too long.
This limit is not enforced correctly for Unicode texts e.g. Russian. I was able to enter the text past the limit but my recipient didn't receive the last sentence that was over the limit.

Finally that's the last report I wanted to get out :) Thanks!
by notaLamer on 2022/03/28 05:04:16 PM    
Fixed in 2.89 according to changelog:
fixed text entry box maximum length inconsistencies when using extended Unicode characters

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