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Civil's Feature Wishlist

by CivilPDX on 2022/01/21 01:18:18 AM    
firstly, thanks for the amazing software, I've been using Tixati since utorrent went to crap and never looked back.
that being said, I have a list of features that would greatly improve my workflow.

add source flag box to torrent creator
add drag and drop to torrent creator
add an editable full path to the torrent creator
add option to disable auto renaming of conflicting transfer names (stopping it from inserting (1) to everything)
add option to save bandwidth stats of categories to disk instead of resetting on restart
add a status category that shows any transfers with tracker announce errors
add a status category that shows any active transfers (those with active peer connections)
add option to stop child windows closing when the main window is closed. (IE keep a channel chat up with the main window closed)

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