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Suggestion: please make a status category for torrents with erro

by Guest on 2022/01/03 08:23:05 PM    
Please make a status category for torrents that have an error in at least one of the trackers. Like in Qbittorrent. Otherwise it is quite inconvenient to track down the torrents that need to be updated.
It also would be great if the link to the torrent topic (Comments section) is clickable.
by Guest on 2022/01/08 05:28:59 PM    
Agree with your observation, here's half a workaround in Tixati for editing your missing trackers:

You know you can select ALL your downloads and edit as many as 100% the trackers in one go?

Use shift/ctrl and click/highlight a block of your downloads. Right hand click, TRACKERS, Edit, paste the trackers in, leaving spaces between each one.

Test with a few downloads first of course, before doing them all as it might overwrite rare/special trackers so be careful to copy paste out to a notepad txt file as a backup?

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