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Locked Torrents

by Zooky on 2014/05/10 07:44:21 PM    
I have several locked torrents (lock on transfer window).  How do I make them public?
by Guest on 2014/05/10 09:08:48 PM    
you can't change it. but once you download it, you can make a new torrent that is not locked and share that.
by Guest on 2014/05/11 01:49:31 AM    
I guess I REALLY *should* be asking: what are the causes for locking a torrent?
by Bugmagnet on 2014/05/11 12:13:23 PM    
you can't unlock torrents that has been made private.

However, you can do the world a favor after you finish downloading it. Create a new unlocked torrent for the same content, add some open trackers, then publish and seed it.
by Guest on 2014/05/11 04:11:20 PM    
I just discovered one way Tixati will mark a torrent as being locked:
 - a corrupt torrent.

I'm a newbie to Tixati, coming from a well-known P2P client, with over 800 torrents to shoe horn into Tixati.  If it discovers a corrupt torrent, it marks as being "locked".  I rather think that "undocumented feature" is rather neat.  I didn't even know those torrents were corrupt.  I'm now in the process of getting more better replacements for these torrents.  THANKS TIXATI!
by Guest on 2014/05/13 02:05:59 PM    
I think I never had this.
Can somebody please explain, what is a locked torrent.
How does it show ?
Why is it locked ?
How to unlock  ?

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