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[HELP]- Add tracker to new torrent

by Guest on 2021/08/27 10:21:16 AM    
Hi guys,
i want to add list of trackers on file that i want share with magnet-link.

I add the list on >Settings> Transfers> Trackers> Individual trakcer options> edit

But when i create a new torrent,
there isn't the tracker list on another peer's pc

Can anyone help me?
by notaLamer on 2021/08/30 10:16:15 PM    
This works for me.
Make sure the magnet-link you give to your friend contains the tracker URL. Like: magnet:?xt=urn:btih:abcd6nl56123kq6ebq2jxdsl7cylabcd&tr=http%3A%2F%2Fretracker.local%2Ftest (not a real torrent)

1) Tixati Settings > Magnet-links > Magnet-link format (the default is this:)
This will be the default for magnet-link copy
2) Select your transfer and go to its properties, iirc "Options" tab. Under "Metadata" there will be 4 different magnet-links to copy. Only the bottom two contain the tracker.

by Guest on 2022/08/28 02:57:40 AM    
v3.11 has new and easier ways to add trackers to new torrents.

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