by Guest on 2014/05/10 09:06:03 PM
the error message " internet conection is limited" indicates you have network issues. Can Tixati cause it? I am not sure but don't think so. Routers can be fickle. When I had my old USrobotics router, I would have to reboot it every 8 hours when running torrents. It couldn't handle the traffic. When i called support, they suggested their router was just fine but i needed to use a cisco router to handle torrents.
later i changed to a d-link "N" router with 1 Gb/s swtching. It was much better but after a year or so started acting up.
I found in interesting linksys/cisco router designed for small office use, an RV082. It is just 100 mb/s but it can handle torrents. These can often be found used on ebay for under $50. They have been replaced by a new 1 gb/s model, but while that would help within the local network, 100 mb/s is 50 times my ISP ul limit.
I have found that "internet connection is limited" is usually related to some external network issues. Maybe a switch, router and/or modem needs to be rebooted.
Most home use wifi routers/switches struggle with the traffic torrents produce.