by Guest on 2014/05/06 10:10:13 AM
After downloading a few files from one single torrent,
I switched some files in priority to OFF.
I was surprised to see, there is still a (r) for reading
coming up at this files.
So that means they are not truly OFF.
I moved those OFF files to an external HD,
because running out of storage space on HD.
After about 2 hours the computer crashed
and I don't know the reason.
Could be related ? I don't know.
Maybe next time I should restart Tixati
after switching OFF and moving files.
Pete on 2014/05/06 09:46:51 PM
I think this is by design, Tixati seeds all available pieces. This is sometimes useful for seeding incomplete files. Most likely other clients do that too, but it's harder to tell because they don't show as many information as Tixati.