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Silly to put "time remaining" on a 100% download

by Guest on 2021/06/19 12:09:01 PM    
Been there for many releases and still really stupid!  Would post a pic but can't see any way to do it.
by Guest on 2021/06/19 02:59:11 PM    
This is from the sticky thread about posting pics.

If you post an image URL, please make sure:

1) The image contains no visible IP addresses or file/torrent names.  Blur, mosaic, or paint over these things.

2) The image is on an image hosting service.
by notaLamer on 2021/06/20 05:43:31 AM    
It only shows for me for the transfer that has a stop ratio set. Do you have any other target goals enabled for these transfers?
Actually this feature is very neat.

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