by Guest on 2021/06/15 05:43:34 PM
Any ideas how to fix the problem where downloads get stuck on 99.9%.
I've recently reinstalled my Windows 10. Copied old tixati folder back to program files, and installed newest version on top of it. This way I could maintain my old seeds torrents and continue seeding.
After this whenever I add torrent, it'll get stuck on 99.9%. From peers list I can see whole lot of "Ignored (Bad Data)" under status. In event logs there's many "received bad data for piece X".
All these peers have 100% data and it certainly ain't bad data.
What I noticed that after reinstalling Windows my default download location had changed it's drive letter. I changed it back to original I had before reinstalling Windows. That didn't help with the 99.9% stuck. Reinstalled Tixati on top of the previous install, didn't help either.
Is there any know solution for this other than trying to get rid of all Tixati installs/registery and trying again from scratch. I wouldn't what to lose all those added torrents, would probably have to re-check all that data to get them to seed again.