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[ Annoying Bug ] incomplete.<filename> temporary files still the

by kryx on 2021/06/12 10:42:25 PM    
Windows 10 64bit with latest version of Tixati (2.83 Portable)

Never had this issue with previous versions of Tixati.

Most of the time I put something to download (I have the incomplete. option enabled to be sure that the download is complete) and the download is finished I found every downloaded file and also the incomplete.<filename> temporary file too.

I think there's some issue  .. it's like instead of being renamed to the final filename they are copied with the final filename, instead.

It happens to me always.. it's very annoying.. especially when the torrent contains thousands of files in different folder and subfolder (not only 'cause you have to delete them every time.. but also because they occupy double the space on the hard disk).

Is it possible to download Tixati 2.81 PORTABLE from here ? That version worked always fine with me.
by Guest on 2021/06/13 12:52:17 PM    
Here is a link to the 2.81 portable version:

So all the files you download end up with 2 copies? one labeled properly and one with the 'incomplete.' still in the file name?
And this started for you with the 2.83 version?
by kryx on 2021/06/13 06:02:07 PM    
It doesn't happen exactly with ALL the downloads (but with most of them ).

Yes: when the download of the file is complete I still find the incomplete temporary file there too, like if it had be copied with the final name and not simply renamed.
Started after I installed 2.83, never happened before.

Thanks for the link.

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