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HOWTO: Move completed torrents to another PC?

by Mugsy323 on 2021/05/31 02:31:38 AM    
My main computer crashed (out for repairs) and I installed Tixati on my backup PC to download some files.

When I get my main computer back, I'd like to move my completed torrents on this backup PC to my main PC w/o breaking the link.

Is there a way to do this? TIA
by Guest on 2021/05/31 07:42:03 PM    
The basic way to do it would be:

1 - Copy the data files;
2a - Copy the .torrent files if you have them (you can control whether Tixati creates them in Settings -> Transfers -> Meta-Info), OR;
2b - IF you don't have the .torrent files, then re-add the downloads from the sites you got them but *don't actually start them*;
3 - Force-check the transfers for those torrents in Tixati, making sure they're pointing to the right place you copied the files to.

If there are a LOT of torrents to copy, I realize this could a pain. I never used it myself, but there is a "Import/Export" option in Tixati settings. Assuming it includes the transfers list, perhaps you could use it to avoid having to add the .torrent transfers one by one manually. Someone more familiar with this option could perhaps provide confirmation.
by Guest on 2021/06/03 11:11:45 PM    
Import/Export also EXPORTS all of the transfers (without the stored files) and settings, but here's one way to do it over LAN if you can have both PCs online at once and have enough storage:

1) Use Import/Export for stats and whatnot(?) OR CTRL+A to select all transfers > Save .torrent/Magnet links
2) Connect both PCs on LAN by cable: 1 Gbit/s = ~125MB/s (HDD speed), 100 Mbit/s = ~12.5 MB/s
3) Go to Settings and:
 a) Disable DHT
 b) Under Proxy: Disable TCP Trackers, Disable UDP trackers. I hope that's what it does, if not then enter as address to blackhole all tracker traffic.
This should disable communication with Internet peers

4) Peers > Local peers. Either enable SSDP so it's automatic or manually enter your second PC's LAN IP and port to be added to all new torrents. This should establish communication between the two on LAN automagically.
5) Add all torrents on second PC/Import settings
6) The syncing should begin from your first PC.
7) When done, revert the settings above.

I've never tried it, but it should work. You can re-import the settings a second time to not have 'falsified' ratio history due to LAN transfer.

PS: There's no paying "copying" a lot of torrents, at least you can export the .torrent files en masse and import them at once too.
by Guest on 2021/06/18 08:53:08 AM    
Import/Export also EXPORTS all of the transfers (without the stored files) and settings, but here's one way to do it over LAN if you can have both PCs online at once and have enough storage:

1) Use Import/Export for stats and whatnot(?) OR CTRL+A to select all transfers > Save .torrent/Magnet links
2) Connect both PCs on LAN by cable: 1 Gbit/s = ~125MB/s (HDD speed), 100 Mbit/s = ~12.5 MB/s
3) Go to Settings and:
 a) Disable DHT
 b) Under Proxy: Disable TCP Trackers, Disable UDP trackers. I hope that's what it does, if not then enter as address to blackhole all tracker traffic.
This should disable communication with Internet peers

4) Peers > Local peers. Either enable SSDP so it's automatic or manually enter your second PC's LAN IP and port to be added to all new torrents. This should establish communication between the two on LAN automagically.
5) Add all torrents on second PC/Import settings
6) The syncing should begin from your first PC.
7) When done, revert the settings above.

I've never tried it, but it should work. You can re-import the settings a second time to not have 'falsified' ratio history due to LAN transfer.

PS: There's no paying "copying" a lot of torrents, at least you can export the .torrent files en masse and import them at once too.

There's no way I'm trying all of that.

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