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Watch Folder

by Guest on 2021/05/24 03:50:27 PM    
Hi Team,

Firstly GREAT product. I really like it. Just a few points.

1. Is there the possibility to include a 'Watch' folder function into which I can drop .torrent files that would automatically be processed. At the moment I have to add quite a lot manually.

2. Can we have a preference to 'overwrite' files or not.

I am migrating all my torrents from uTorrent to Tixata by placing the downloaded files from uTorrent to the default download folder in Tixata, then I am loading the torrent again in order for Tixata to check the content and move the completed files to another folder. Doing this manually is very slow as Tixata wants me to confirm the download and then confirm that one already exists.

I am hoping that these examples help in making the product better.
by notaLamer on 2021/05/25 12:21:23 AM    
This already exists.
Settings > (Transfers) Meta-info > Open .torrent files created in ro moved to this folder

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