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Why does limit Outgoing reduces Incoming?

by Guest on 2021/05/18 10:44:27 PM    
I have version 2.83. If I do not set any Limit outgoing KB/s (the button is *NOT* lit) then the incoming torrents come at 5-6 Mbps. But when I set the outgoing limit to say 100Kb/s (the button is not lit), then the incoming drops to like 1-1.5 mbps. Its unclear why outgoing is limiting the incoming. Any suggestions on how to fix that?
by Guest on 2021/05/19 12:51:49 PM    
Is not it from the protocol to reward with better download speeds the best uploaders?
by MikeyMoMo on 2021/05/21 03:42:11 PM    
There is .1% backchannel traffic so when your outgoing goes down, your incoming will reduce by .1% of the outgoing reduction.  That's protocol and error checking back traffic.
by Pete on 2021/05/22 04:43:07 PM    
Check if the Auto Limit is turned on.

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