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Feedback: Language files and time/date

by notaLamer on 2021/05/17 04:02:43 AM    
Thanks for the great update!

Before people start on translations, are you sure you want the time and date to be translated manually? In my opinion these names should not need any translation at all:

1) strings in question are never needed because the time/date is (should be) formatted by POSIX functions and correctly automatically localized by the OS (regional settings etc.)
2) the date strings are formatted by custom functions but the names can still be automatically derived from POSIX functions and the current OS setttings

I do not think there're use cases where someone would wish to override the system regional formatting instead of changing it globally to one's taste (the sole exception is numbers. even then the individual settings would default to OS settings, ideally).

PS: Think twice whether you want us to translate all of the error messages. People will end up reporting errors verbatim, error messages will be in other languages here.
by Guest on 2021/05/17 05:54:28 PM    
One thing about translating words in dates, eg. January February Saturday Sunday etc.

It's still a good idea to provide translations for those in a language file, because there might be target users that are stuck using a computer that has to be set on English locale, for whatever reason.  If they are, your translations for date words would work.  If the target user has his locale set to something else, the English date words will not be emitted anyways, so the language file wouldn't apply to those anyways and the OS words would come through.

That's a good point about the error messages, but at least many of those also have numbers after too, eg. "Connection Refused (10054)", so that would help sort things out a little bit.

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