by Guest on 2021/03/22 05:52:53 PM
Tixati is truly amazing work by the way.
Here's my Feature Improvement request for TIXATI IP FILTER
Tixati > Settings > Transfers > IP Filter
1) Please can 'positive hits/rule matches' in the IP filter be logged to a text file for debugging purposes?
Example log:
2) Please can a checkbox be added for text alert to written to the HOME screen scrolling logs, maybe in red text?
Which torrent and which IP caused the alert.
3) Please can IP Filter also be manageable ie ad-hoc pasting in IP's in Tixati (in addition to loading via TXT files)
4) Please can right-hand-mouse-click IGNORE peers (temp) also contain BAN peers (perm) which appear in the IP Filter
TRANSFERS > Peers tab >
Highlight offending IP -> Right-Hand-Click -> add to IP Filter
Thank you