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[Feature Request] - Stalled Download Auto Management

by Guest on 2021/03/21 07:33:23 PM    
Hi Tixati Team,

I posted a possible 'bug' with my download queue not being able to rotate dead downloads (or hash-links)
Having read "Transfer Queue Management" help page it is apparent Tixati does not seem to support rotating of stalled downloads.
Tixati can only 'breathe' from 'x' (ie=12) user defined download slots to 40 (default) but ONLY IF  Auto Managed is ON and DL incoming Bandwidth button is highlighted.


Download Queue Rotation of "stuck" green downloads doing nothing for eternity...

1) After X minutes of NO activity for a green download. The stalled green download SHOULD be placed at the very BACK of the blue queued list.... ie: QUEUED(99)
2) This means the next download QUEUED(1) will be attempted and things will move along nicely. If this also fails, another dead download will be put to the BACK of the QUEUED list. And so on.

What happens is I add "hash-links" and downloads which NEVER begin and these jam my green download queue, meaning superbusy torrents in the blue "Queued" section NEVER get an opportunity to start,

For instance: If you add 50 OLD rare torrents first then 50 NEW popular torrents, the old ones will jam the DL queue with no seeds found. This never gives up on dead ones - which causes me my problem.

Tixati inexplicably requires BANDWIDTH management (Limit incoming KB/s) to be ENABLED for the download queue to "breathe" from DL slots (my choice=12) to 40 slots (A Tixati default setting).
Trouble is with a big queue full of old stuff, this breaks tixati until i manually remove them.

Please can you implement a download queue rotation algorithm which is NOT linked to any Bandwidth buttons being selected and think like a set of playing cards, top card goes to bottom of the deck...

Will happily donate if you can fix this ASAP please!

Thank you very much.

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