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[Feature Request] Batch Editing of Tracker URLs in Properties

by Nameless on 2021/03/18 02:58:05 PM    
I believe having the ability to batch-edit tracker URLs in torrents would be helpful if you have a whole bunch of torrents from the same site whose tracker URLs need to be changed for any reason in the future.

I mean if you highlight several torrents, then click on Properties, and then you click on the "Trackers" tab, you'll be able to edit all of the respective torrents' tracker URLs at the same time.
by notaLamer on 2021/03/18 06:09:27 PM    
Excuse me, WTF? When was the last time you updated Tixati?

1. Select multiple transfers (CTRL / SHIFT)
2. Right click one of the selected
3. In the context menu: Trackers -> Edit OR Find and Replace

Not in Properties!

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