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A couple of feature suggestions

by Guest on 2021/03/12 11:23:17 AM    
Good day

Great program, BTW! Thanks, most appreciated!!

Two things that could at least help me, maybe others as well:

0- For hash links missing information, why not try to use something like btcache.me? Sure, let DHT do its thing first. But if no information is available after a reasonable amount of time (say, 12 hours), then try to get the torrent from various caching services. Then at least some better idea would be available of the contents, including file sizes, etc. And file sizes, specifically, could tie in wonderfully with my second suggestion, as it happens!

1- If two files known to Tixati, at least one of which is incomplete, have the same size then:
  a- Try to spot-check matching completed sections to see if they match, if possible. If they match, or if this isn't possible then,
  b- Create a virtual file combined of the two through a binary OR process and check if the combined file is a better match for one or either of the incomplete files.
  c- Repeat as needed!
  d- Optionally be more smart about it: obviously only missing parts need to be combined, for example. And while it's not applicable to my files, I can imagine situations in which everything matches except a few KiB in the middle of a DB or something, for example.

The rationale behind 0 should be obvious, I hope. The usefulness of 1, too, should not be that hard to imagine. But as an example consider a file that's available as a part of some collection of files as well as on its own. Or identical files available with different names, for one reason or another. I certainly run into both cases often enough!

Finally, thanks again!
by Guest on 2021/03/13 03:29:18 AM    
+1 for both suggestions

1- Is useful with PRIVATE torrents, some clients like qBitorrent dont send files list for private torrents, so you can see which have several seeds but you cant start download never without the list. This issue is very common downloading from DHT search engines like btdig, which you just have magnet links. The most interesting is which btdig show the files list in html format, and btdig get the list using just DHT, so is possible to get this list forced for private torrents  and Tixati would use this technique.

2- this is the Vuse Swarm Merge feature, very useful really, have many requests here in the forum.

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