by Guest on 2021/02/23 09:23:15 PM
Hi there!
I already wrote about this earlier.
With such advanced functionality and convenience, tixati absolutely cannot do two things: run as server mode without a gui, and command processing of the database via the CLI is impossible.
I can't even do a trivial thing - move torrents on a given path to another location. And other group action. We have to dodge in the GUI, where there is no such function using strange methods.
For example: There is a folder /Horror containing subdirectories:
And there are various torrents sorted into these directories. Do you think you already know what it is about?
To move whole /Horror directory to a new location wich subdirectories, you have to some routine:
manually create new directories /Horror/poe in new location,
individually move subdirectories /poe from old to new location
find them "offline" in Tixati, select all and specify their new location, megre,
then start, possibly with a "force check".
And so with EVERY subdirectories /hpl /vamp and more others... WITH EVERY! Manual thankless labor.
And if you had tixati CLI, I would just change the path of all hands in ONE LINE! For instance:
tixati --torrents all --changepath /from/dir /to/dir
--torrents all is an object selection for the operation
--changepath - change all paths according to the given patterns.
And every time when I have a need to change paths, I feel pain that I cannot direct comamnd to the database, that there are no tools. Developers! Do this, or simply open the database format, and we ourselves will write the toolkit for our needs.