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[BUG] A Memory Leak in Windows 7 up to 2 Gb of  memory

by redone on 2014/04/28 08:21:10 PM    
this problem acurde when i try to download more then 170 torrent most of them are tv shows ep's

tixati start to take 2 Gb of memory

My systems:
Windows 7 x64
i7 running at 1.6Ghz
4GB of ram
by redone on 2014/04/30 01:53:08 PM    
why did the dev team delete pics from my thread
by Bugmagnet on 2014/05/01 04:27:11 AM    
People have died from drinking water. When they drink too much.

Trying to download 170 torrents my be a little excessive. It wouldn't surprise me if it used a couple GB (it is GB not Gb) of ram.

I am on win7 Pro, running for 2 days...seeding over 600 torrents, UL bw is maxed out at my limit of 1.5 Mb/s . I have a couple dozen incomplete torrents but none are active since none have anyone seeding them.  With 48 hours uptime, tixati is using under 650 MB of memory. No sign of any leak there.  If you are seeing a continued creep up and up on your memory usage, then it may be related to download activity.

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