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Request: Provide queueing for individual files within 1 download

by Guest on 2021/01/20 06:44:22 PM    
One large download with multiple files on a slow connection
Example - a complete TV season with multiple episodes

Because I have a slow connection I limit my download and upload queueing slots to one each.  When the download starts I uncheck all but one of the files (for example, episode 1). When that individual file has completed downloading I uncheck it and check the next.  That way I can watch an episode while the next is downloading.  (Yes, I realize this affects overall seeding.)

Allow individual file queueing within a download. No need to manually monitor and check/uncheck individual files within the download.
by Guest on 2021/01/24 06:32:15 PM    
I'm the OP.  There is the option for ordered priority on individual files within one download.  It may provide the solution I'm looking for.

If anyone has experience with this I'd be interested.

by Pete on 2021/01/24 10:01:48 PM    
The closest function available at the moment is the "Ordered" priority. Tixati will set numbered priorities for files and attempt to download in order, however all files are available to download/upload, not just one at the time. Try Ordered priority if you haven't already, it is meant exactly for scenario you've described (complete TV season with multiple episodes).

To enable Ordered priority: select multiple files > right click > Priority > Ordered.

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