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B/s OUT B/s IN

by Banecrusher on 2014/04/28 06:13:08 AM    
I have Tixati v1.96. I have set my bandwidth outgoing limit to 100k/s but my OUT going B/s still goes up to over 500. My bandwidth for in coming is set for unlimited but it never gets above 500k. I have used a lot of other torrent clients and have no problem getting above 1m per second as I have a 25m/s connection. I have followed the instruction to optimize and I'm not sure what I am missing.
by Sailor24 on 2014/04/30 06:18:26 AM    
See this answer here. Likely your auto limit is active with the wrong ratio setting. Ratio is the second tab ???? I think.
by Bugmagnet on 2014/05/01 03:49:26 AM    
For one thing, you might be confusing the rates and the distinction between b and B.

You here referenced many things, k/s (k what?), B/s (note B=BYTES), k (again, k what? b or B?) and m/s (same.. m what?)

500 B/s is less that your set limit of 100k?/s. whether that is kbits or kBytes

IF your incoming is 500 kB/s, that then is 4000 kb/s or 4 mb/s, well above 1 mb/s

Last, your connection speed is not what ultimately governs. Several other factors including net condition, and the UL capacity or limits set by other peers and the number of peers has to be considered and obviously neither you nor your tixati client can control those externalities.
by Guest on 2019/03/29 11:23:23 PM    
Anyway to display the speed on the taskbar label?

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