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Filtering tracker responses

by Guest on 2020/12/07 10:42:23 PM    
It may have already been implemented in Tixati, but I don't know how to do it.
I want to search for responses from the tracker ("OK", "Error", "Torrent not registered", etc...), or better create filters in the categories section in order to quickly find updated or deleted torrents.
by Guest on 2020/12/08 07:45:56 AM    
How would this work I wonder.

Do you think some sort of a Find function to find based on tracker status would work?  Like what is in the Layout button menu where it says "Text Filter" and "Status Filter", except for tracker statuses?
by Guest on 2020/12/08 09:45:32 AM    
Yes, this is exactly what needed!
Also it can somehow implement in "Add category..." on "Capture" tab, but this may complicate it unnecessarily.

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