by Guest on 2020/12/03 01:34:55 AM
Expwez, in your screenshots, what operating system is that? Is it Windows 10?
How do you get the ALT-TAB screen to look like that? Mine does not have large icons like that, and it shows a thumbnail of the window.
Also, how do you make your tray notification area work like that?
Does anyone else know?
by Guest on 2020/12/03 03:45:07 PM
Exwez and myself are both using versions of Linux. His is "Manjaro" and mine (guest from above) is "Ubuntu Gnome". You could ask a friend to help you make a "Live USB" and you can try them out without affecting your system.
While they look quite striking, there are many differences between Windows and Linux so it's definitely best for you to try it before committing to change systems. Also, most of us Linux users keep a few copies of Windows in things called "Virtual Machines" so we can use Windows' software when we wish to. It's an interesting rabbit hole, I recommend you to have a go.