by Guest on 2020/10/16 06:52:45 PM
In my Desktop PC I have both Windows 7 and Windows 10 on a dual boot system. I have installed Tixati on both operating systems. I dearly love Tixti to load/download torrents.
I'm been thinking on how I would try and use just one version (the current) of Tixati for both systems. If I move the user files to just one system the question becomes what I
am missing. If anyone has tried this before, would it work?
Thanking you in advance,
by Guest on 2020/10/17 11:24:17 AM
Create partition and assign the SAME drive letter for the 2 operating systems (let's say F:).
In this partition create a folder for tixati portable. Also create a folder for torrents (let's say F:\Torrents).
Go to tixati Settings -> Transfers -> Locations:
1. Default Download Locations -> F:\Torrents
2. Incomplete Piece Storage Location -> F:\Torrents