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Channels - joining and anonymity - a compromise?

by Bugmagnet on 2014/04/25 10:46:53 PM    
ok...trying to get a grasp on the intricacies of channel function

As i understand it, once a channel is created, it can only be joined by others if there is at least 1 user present with a level of operator, manager or owner

I also note that users with those 3 levels and the moderator can see the "Initial IP" and connecting port of other users in the channel.

This "Initial IP" in some cases appears to be the actual IP of those users. What other type of IP is there, that is not "Initial"? I am wondering, what is the distinction of "Initial" IP? What does "Initial" mean here?

I also note that levels moderator and above can grant privileges or set restrictions, bans etc with commands that may reference such IPs.

It seems like for channel access and stability, multiple users with OP or manager level are needed, and those would be able to see this "Initial IP" of other users.

Is such exposure of IP a simple fact of the necessity for channel connection purposes?  What concerns for autonomy and privacy are raised by this?

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