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Massive CPU usage?

by Guest on 2013/08/14 10:56:27 AM    
Recently, Tixati is taking an insane amount of my CPU. Generally it will use anywhere from 1%-10% at the most, but now it's managing at about 20%-40%!
Is there a fix to this, or at least a reason as to why it's happening?
I've tried reinstalling already as well.
Here's a picture of my speccy if it's relevant: http://puu.sh/41K7b.png
by Bugmagnet on 2013/09/04 06:54:33 AM    
I and others have noted and reported this previously.  

On one machine (xp, 2Ghz, 260 seeds, 0 of 20 orphaned torrent downloads active), tix uses about 35-40% CPU. Occasionally something hits the fan and it surges to 100% kernel mode CPUsage for 30-60 seconds then drops back to 40% I still haven't figured out what triggers this, but when it happens, all transfers stop and all channel connections are lost.
by DrTeeth on 2013/09/07 10:48:16 PM    
I must check my CPU usage, but when Tixati is handling loads of torrents, it locks up every so often and downloading/uploading stops. I can reproduce this here. Not a big issue as I can work around it but it is still a big issue.
by Guest on 2013/09/09 02:03:34 PM    
As I see it Tixati stops downloading when it creates a new file. Depending on your setting for creating files it can take its time to zero the whole file. The bigger the longer it takes. Check that.
Transfers/Local Files/File Allocation
by DrTeeth on 2013/09/14 01:51:11 AM    
@ Guest (the same one that is the OP?)

I do not see that behaviour here at all.
by Guest on 2013/11/28 01:40:35 AM    
I am seeing Tixati surge CPU usage up to 100% for a while and during that time the Kernal usage will stay low for a bit, then surge up to 80% for a while, then back down to 10-20% then Tixati usage will come down to 20%.  Shortly the whole thing repeats.  It is only at normal CPU usage levels for maybe 10 seconds and abnormal levels for some 50 seconds.  This is making the program unusable.

My installation is the most recent version 1.96 and it is installed on a flash drive as a portable version.  It initially worked ok on one computer, became a CPU hog.  I then moved it to a faster machine where it remained a CPU hog.  I will tray a non-portable version on the faster machine.
by Bugmagnet on 2013/11/28 01:17:35 PM    
tixati, under win xp at least, has had CPUsage issues.

on one of my systems, 2 Ghz clock, 3 GB RAM it is using an average 43% CPU, was 55% a few seconds ago, then dropped off a little
Periodically, for no apparent reason, it will cause a kernel panic, driving the CPUsage to 100% for 30-60 seconds, causing all processes to lose connections.

What triggeres this kernel mode surge I don't know but it is not adding a new torrent although that is another cause.
by xotiq on 2013/11/30 09:05:20 PM    
I've noticed that Tixati makes massive CPU usage when:

1. I add torrents and wait for initializing process
2. When I have more than 200 seeding torrents

First situation -> I change the process to a higher priority until it starts downloading or I stop the torrent and start downloading some of the files(when downloading a large pack)
Second situation -> Remove older torrents from seeding

If Tixati is still using a lot of CPU and Kernel memory change the logging settings to minimum, download a few torrents at a time and keep Tixati in system tray.
by gnuarm on 2013/12/13 02:14:14 AM    
I see similar CPU usage patterns as Bugmagnet.  The CPU usage is very low for a short time, then it goes up to 100% for a bit, then kernal usage runs up near 100%, back down for a bit and then CPU usage returns to ~10% only to start over.  If I try to use the UI of Tixati the CPU max time and kernal max time extends for up to a minute or so.  

This is under XP on an Athlon 1800+ at 1.5 GHz with 1 MB of ram, memory usage ~500, 600 MB.  

I take it that even though this has been reported by a number of folks, no one really has a handle on the cause or workaround?

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