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Increase upload slots

by Guest on 2020/09/22 02:20:36 AM    

Is there a way to increase the upload slots above 1000? I am used to having thousands of active seeds, that's just the way i like it.

I guess a work around is once you get over 1000, you would have to change them all to constant seeding. This is a huge bother when importing thousands. You would have to change each torrent individually, as one does not seem to be able to highlight multiple torrents. Nor is there any right click folder option to change status, only start and stop.

Thank you.
by Pete on 2020/09/24 10:40:00 PM    
one does not seem to be able to highlight multiple torrents
Mouse click + Shift will select multiple torrents.
Ctrl + a will select all on the list.

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