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WebUI Template

by Havasushaun on 2014/04/25 09:43:04 PM    
I've noticed on the WebUI tab there's an option to change the template, yet I have been unable to locate ANY templates online. Has anybody been able to find any or create any? Since the default UI is a bit simple and doesn't auto update, isn't sort able, etc, I'd love to use something a bit more advanced.
by desmond on 2022/12/21 11:58:11 PM    
Just found one template here: https://github.com/keiosweb/tixati-theme
by desmond on 2022/12/22 12:02:38 AM    
Btw, someone known where the default template files are located in Linux? Thanks!
by notaLamer on 2022/12/22 02:50:13 PM    
Desmond, Settings -> Web Interface -> Create Examples

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