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Fantasy Feature: standby seed rotation to test demand

by Bugmagnet on 2014/04/24 02:19:19 PM    
I been thinkin' of how to optimize tixati as an online collective library

As I look at my list, I have about 800 torrents started, near 400 'active' and the rest in "standby seed" mode.

It appears they stay in standby mode.

My idea is to rotate them.  Have x slots or xx% in rotation mode

constant seeds would be protected.
say 20 slots for testing.
criteria would be perhaps several selectable factors
20 standby seeds would be loaded, then checked after about an hour.
for me, one formula might be if seeds < 3 and peer > 0  && lowest existing active peer =0 then move to active
else if seeds < peers/3  && lowest existing active peer =0 then move to active

The idea would be to rotate perhaps thousands of torrents to test if any are in demand, keep seeding those known to be in demand

might need to have some way to put the tested and rejected at the bottom of the standby queue so that all the others are tested before they are retried later.
by Bugmagnet on 2014/05/04 06:15:23 AM    
Ok.. I have been trying to workaround this issue.

1st thing is I will continue to beg the dev team to make a minor change in Transfers/Layout/Select Columns - Breakout the "Status" column into 3 columns (Status/Seeds/Peers). I need the count for seeds and peers to be sortable.

Without being able to sort for number of seeds and also number of peers, my workaround was torturous. With over 600 active torrents, selecting those without other seeds and those without any peer demand took hours. It could have been seconds if I could have had the count of seeds and peers as sortable columns.

Here's what I did (or plan to do) manually, to manage supply and demand, in a positive way:

Find all torrents with no other seeds. These I call orphans. My rule for these is basically:
If Seeds = 0 and peers = 0, then set Bandwidth/Priority Group to Ultra High. The effect is that If I am the only live seed in the world, I'll give any demand for this file highest resource access.

If Seeds = 0 and peers > 0 (iow, known demand), then set Bandwidth/Priority Group to Ultra High and set to  (to serve that demand).

If Seeds < 4 and peers = 0 then set Bandwidth/Priority Group = High

If Seeds < 4 and peers > 0 then set Bandwidth/Priority Group = High and set it to

If Seeds > 3 and Peers/Seeds > 2 then set Bandwidth/Priority Group = High
If Seeds > 3 and Peers/Seeds <= 2 then set Bandwidth/Priority Group = Above Normal

Bottom line is I want to focus on helping where needed. If a torrent has 10+ seeds, that swarm doesn't need my BW as much as a torrent with under 4 seeds, especially those with no other seed than me. If I am that single source, I'll escalate efforts to produce other seeds by giving them top priority.

I have sorted this out temporarily, and it was VERY time consuming to create categories than manually examine the status info for each individual torrent of over 700 I seed/have and assign it to my "Supply and Demand" categories.

The process was excruciating without the columns for sorting count of peers and seeds (ala uTorrent etc)

It would seem that breaking out that data which is now combined in the Status column would be a trivial task. if so, I beg it be done on the next forthcoming version.

Any other ideas such as ability to define formulas for automated handling of seeding according to actual supply and demand and rotate seeds accordingly would be fantastic also, but I wouldn't want to add that burden as a blocker for the next version. Who knows.. the DEV team might actually have been working on this over the past year unbeknownst to me :) they do have a history of innovation even without my brainfarts in the mix.
by Guest on 2014/05/06 10:17:00 AM    
I think I wrote about that seed rotation about 6 month ago.
I didn't get any answer.
Your writing is probably better and the technical part
is more detailed than my post.

I definitely would vote for that.
Keep on bugging the devs.
If more people vote for that, maybe some day..........
by Bugmagnet on 2015/08/16 09:47:21 PM    
I think the post you might be referring to is

Looking back, I obviously read it as I commented on it.

Either good things come to those who wait or the squeaky wheel gets grease (or both)!

The recent inclusion of this concept in v2.15 as the Seed Queue Management System is a great start!

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