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Requst option to download files in task one by one

by Guest on 2020/08/17 04:36:06 AM    
download slot set to 3 means i have 10 task but just download 3 of them, but each tasks have 1000 files.
tixati will try every file to get max download speed, but sometimes we don't need max speed, we just need the file complete one by one, not finish them all at the last time.

fg. there is a movie with 6GB, download pieces discretely may got max speed but i cannot play at 70% progress, even can not play before the last byte in file header part filled.
by Guest on 2020/08/17 05:54:28 PM    
you can download the files in the torrent sequentially, ordered or with varying priorities.
right click the file(s) in the file tab and choose whatever option/priority you want.
you will only see the ordered option if you select more than one file.

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