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Move Single File Out Of Containing Folder

by Casper on 2020/05/13 03:11:08 PM    
Under Settings>Transfers>Files>Auto-Select files in new transfers>Configure
I've found when selecting the "Move Single File Out Of Containing Folder" option it moves the file out of the folder even if you selected other files during the New Transfer dialog (when selecting the files).

Let's say there are 3 files and the largest is selected and the other 2 are not selected according to the set criteria.  I manually choose those 2 files as well so that all 3 files are selected.
The torrent downloads, but the auto-selected file is moved out of the containing folder (which contains the 2 manually-selected files).

Maybe I'm just doing something wrong? Any help regarding this would be appreciated.
by Guest on 2020/05/14 03:37:50 PM    
This is a old bug, also happen with me
by Guest on 2020/05/15 05:34:26 AM    
if you have a torrent with 3 files and use auto-select to choose only the biggest one, the torrent will start and will only download the big file straight into your download folder instead of the torrent folder.

now, while you are downloading the file, if you turn on the other files to download, they will download into the torrent folder while the big file will remain in the download folder.

that is the way it should be. tixati will not move the file back into the torrent folder (on its own) just because you selected the other files to download. if you want the big file to return to the torrent folder you have to move it yourself. (right click the file in the files tab and select location and then select 'reset to default'. that will put the big file back into the torrent folder.)
by Guest on 2020/05/15 04:29:36 PM    
What Casper said is a bug which happen sometimes, not ever, but sometimes when have 2 or 3 selected files, tixati move the big file out of folder anyway, keeping just other files in the folder like subtitles, but this torrent originally had all files in the same folder. This really happen sometimes, now have a checkbox "Move Single File Out Of Containing Folder" I use it disabled mainly because this bug.
by Casper on 2020/05/16 10:24:33 AM    
I understand what you are saying Guest, 2020/05/14 11:34:26 PM (if you see a different time - I'm replying to Guest two posts above this).

That makes perfect sense. But I am actually referring to the initial file-selection phase (i.e. after magnet-link metadata has downloaded or torrent is opened) when you see the "Load Transfer" window popup.
by Guest on 2020/05/16 07:58:40 PM    
You said

Let's say there are 3 files and the largest is selected and the other 2 are not selected according to the set criteria.  I manually choose those 2 files as well so that all 3 files are selected.
The torrent downloads, but the auto-selected file is moved out of the containing folder (which contains the 2 manually-selected files).

I understand perfectly. If "Move Single File Out Of Containing Folder" is checked, the right in this case is keep all 3 files in the original torrent folder together, but have a bug which keep 1 file out of folder and 2 files in the folder. Right?

Casper please post the magnet link with this bug, so the forum admin can send the link to developers to fix the bug, without links, anything can be fixed. The link is essential.
by Casper on 2020/05/23 04:20:27 PM    
I'm not sure if I should be posting links at all - but the moderator will see and act accordingly.

You can take a look at this torrent: (link removed by mod and sent to Devs)

On the "Load Transfer" window, data1.dd is automatically selected, the other two files aren't.  I manually select the other two files in this window so that all 3 files are selected.  But upon downloading, data1.dd is outside the containing folder while data2.dd and Setup.exe is in the containing folder.
I would accept this behavior, however, if I did not select the other two files on the "Load Transfer" window.

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