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Double Click Actions [Feature Request]

by Guest on 2020/04/13 07:12:25 PM    
Settings - Behavior - Double Click Actions

in transfer double click actions please add the options:

Open Biggest File/Files Tab
Open files Tab

Because I like much more Tixati files tab (files list) than windows explorer to manage downloaded files, and this new options also make more friendly the One Panel mode aka Tree View. Open Biggest File, is useful when have in the same folder a big file (movie) and other small file like a srt, in this case Tixate open this big file and media player open srt together, because is in the same folder, if have many big files (as series) open files tab instead.

Thanks a lot!
by Guest on 2020/04/18 04:12:29 PM    
Amen, brothers, Amen
by Guest on 2020/04/20 06:05:36 PM    
Good feature request, +1

Files tab no! You want say files list window like in properties, to use with tree view, right?
by Guest on 2020/04/21 05:17:45 PM    
I also tried use tree view and I can't because of double click limitations, open biggest file is genial, and option to use Tixati files window instead of OS file manager would be great.
by Guest on 2020/04/26 06:43:31 PM    

oh, that's great, maybe it will get added!
by Guest on 2020/05/09 10:26:23 PM    
Awesome, I want it too
by Guest on 2020/05/14 02:16:19 AM    
+1, I'm posting here to show my support to this festures and to say a big thanks to developers, the best bittorrent client of world.

by Guest on 2020/05/21 11:49:22 PM    
Hi, I'd like to request this functions also

Open biggest file / Open properties in files list tab

Open properties in files list tab

by Guest on 2020/10/14 01:11:33 AM    
Settings - Behavior - Double Click Actions

in transfer double click actions please add the options:

Open Biggest File/Files list window
Open Files list window

Because I like much more Tixati files list window than windows explorer to manage downloaded files, and this new options also make more friendly the One Panel mode aka Tree View. Open Biggest File, is useful when have in the same folder a big file (movie) and other small file like a srt, in this case Tixate open this big file and media player open srt together, because is in the same folder, if have many big files (as series) open files tab instead.

Please hear this users requests, this will be much useful for tree view and for movies/series with subtitles
by Guest on 2020/12/11 01:23:28 PM    
I like, simple and great to make tree view usable and interesting
by Guest on 2021/02/19 11:15:18 PM    
Yep, I want it so bad, for movies downloaders is pure DREAM, also feature to choose a middle click action, to open properties or other thing.

by Guest on 2021/03/01 05:33:22 PM    
This feature would be very interesting, but look this:

Example 1: a movie torrent have 2 video files and 1 or 2 srts, tixati scan the files sizes and open the biggest file, which is an video, the movie.

Example 2: a serie torrent have multiple files, multiple videos (episodes) and multiple srts, tixati scan and if have many big files with small size difference, tixate do not execute any file with double click, just open files window instead.

Example 3: a software torrent, have zips, exes, and have also a video file in package, and this video is bigger than exe or the zip, than tixati scan files sizes and open the biggest file which is the video. This is a wrong behavior, because I download this torrent for the software not for the video. So this smart double click feature need also a blacklist which user can put some extensions, if the torrent have one file with one of this extensions, tixati never open the biggest file, instead, open the files window. Blacklist extensions would be exe, iso, zip, etc. This is to enforce Tixati smart double click work just with movies and series packages and avoid software packages and others.

This feature will be very, very interesting, which any other bittorrent client have, but need this blacklist setting to work right and also need be a optinal feature, need keep available the old basic behaviors for double click. Also about middle click, is very interesting too, need options to open, properties, peers, detail windows diretly with middle click.

This features combinated with tree view, and the new advanced file auto selection will be a wonderful combo.

Thanks very much for this fine software! Cheers!
by Guest on 2021/05/15 04:20:53 AM    
Great +1

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