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Auto Bandwidth Limiter 'Gate'

by Guest on 2020/04/10 06:00:58 AM    
I really like the clever Auto Bandwidth Limiter!!

I do have now question regarding the 'Gate'.  I never see an increase in the gate, so I read the documentation and found this statement.

The 'Gate' works as a secondary maximum, which keeps the throttle from being raised more than 20% above peak traffic levels within the past 90 seconds. This stops the throttle from climbing out of control when traffic levels are below the current 'Throttle' and latency is low.

If by "traffic levels" it means traffic in MB/s that would suggest the gate would never go higher because the "peak traffic level" is limited by the gate!

Maybe someone could explain what is meant by "peak traffic level" and how the gate value can increase?

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