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Togglable disabling DHT/Peer Exchange for RSS and categories (an

by Guest on 2020/04/04 12:16:09 PM    

it would be really neat und useful, if you can have an option checkbox in RSS feeds to disable DHT and Peer Exchange completely for

- (globally) private marked torrents
- as an option in a category
- in RSS feeds

or, in reverse, just these two options:

- "Settings -> Transfer -> Individual tracker options -> Add to New"
 (PROPOSED) --> "(x) do not add these trackers to torrents which are marked as private"
- "Settings -> Transfer -> Peers"
 (PROPOSED) --> "(x) do not use DHT/Peer Exchange for torrents which are marked as private"

Why? I would really like to use only one Tixati instance for my publically feeds and my private torrents which I get from private trackers.

I'd be really glad if such thing would be implementend.

Thank you!

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